Daily Market Analysis

In-depth technical & fundamental analysis for currencies & commodities

Trading on the risk sentiment
Trading on the risk sentiment

CAD/JPY is sensitive to the market sentiment: if risk appetite improves, the pair will rise, while if traders become risk-averse, the pair will fall.

EUR/USD and its patterns
EUR/USD and its patterns

The price action seen at the H4 chart resembles an inverted “Head and Shoulders” pattern with a neckline at 1.1250.

USD/JPY: bearish 'High Wave' pattern
USD/JPY: bearish 'High Wave' pattern

The pair is going to test the nearest support at 110.54. This level could be a starting point for another bullish rally towards the upper 'Window'...

AUD/USD: 'V-Bottom' pattern
AUD/USD: 'V-Bottom' pattern

It's likely that the pair is going to touch the previously tested resistance at 0.7131. If a pullback from this level happens next...

USD/CAD awaits NFP
USD/CAD awaits NFP

The release of the US and Canadian data at 15:30 MT time will bring substantial volatility to the pair.

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